What is Celebrate Recovery?
Celebrate Recovery (CR) is a Christ-centered program that helps us deal with life’s “hurts, habits and hang-ups.” The Tuesday evening meetings are located at the FBC Family Life Center. CR is a safe and caring place where we study the eight recovery principles found in the Beatitudes and the Christ-centered 12 steps. As we accept God’s grace through Jesus Christ, we experience God’s healing power and begin to break free from the addictive, compulsive, dysfunctional behaviors that put us in bondage. Growing spiritually in our relationship with the Lord results in love, joy and peace within.
Tuesday Evening Schedule:
5:45-6:30 …Food & Fellowship
6:30-7:30 …Large Group
6:30-8:00 …Celebration Station for birth–6th grade *
7:30-8:00 …Small Groups