We strive to help parents lay a solid foundation for their children to build their spiritual lives on. Our mission is to attract kids by fun and relevant learning experiences, teach them in the way they should go and release them into the world to be disciples who make disciples. The Children’s Ministry at FBC offers an abundance of activities and programs for all children.
Nativity Escape Room
Operation Christmas Child Box Folding Party
Sunday School
We have graded Sunday School classes for all ages.
Please join us at 9:30 am every Sunday morning.
We recognize that summer is a whole different world for families. School is out, sports have slowed down (mostly), and vacations are everywhere! We seek to take advantage of this time by pausing our normal curriculum on Wednesdays and focus on relationship building. We plan fun activities that kids want to invite their friends to and incorporate a small devotional.
Extra Fun
In addition to our regularly scheduled Sunday and Wednesday times, we take advantage of the extra time and host extra activities in the Summer. Zoo trips, blueberry picking/baking, open gyms, roller skating, and pool parties (just to name a few). Check out the full summer calendar!
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
VBS is a fun-filled week where kids are challenged to recognize the difference between the lies (or half-truths) of culture and God’s unchanging truth. We use songs, games, crafts, Bible stories, and even snacks to teach kids about Jesus! We also partner with Sports Crusaders to provide a full day of fun and Truth all week long.
Summit Kids Camp
Summit is a ministry that will do anything, go anywhere, and try everything without compromising the Word of God, in order to see some come to salvation and others grow and mature in their relationship with Christ. For one week at Green Country campgrounds in Disney, OK kids get out of their atmosphere to learn about Jesus. They enjoy Wet N Wild recreation, Bible study, Tract Times, and optional activities like the pool, zipline, mini golf, laser tag, and more! This camp is for kids who have completed 3rd-6th grade.

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*Disclaimer: We background check all of our volunteers. We have policies in place to protect both them and your children. We strive never to leave any adult alone with a single child and we have security cameras posted throughout the building as an added precaution. We work to ensure that church is a place not only where everyone belongs but where everyone feels safe.