Missions at FBC

Sharing God’s love across the street and around the world

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.”  Acts 1:8

If there was one word to describe the ministry heartbeat of First Baptist Church, it would be MISSIONS. In Acts 1:8 we are told to go into the entire world and be a witness of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

 “As long as it is day we must do the works of Him who sent Me. Night is coming, when no one can work.” John 9:4

The Missions Ministry exists to be His witnesses in our community, state, nation and the world. Multiple opportunities are offered throughout the year to help the people of God “Do His Work,” together. Although, as followers of Jesus we are instructed to live a life on mission. Everywhere our feet take us we are to be His witnesses sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

He may lead you across the street to share the gospel with a neighbor, across the office to share with a work associate, or to the other side of the world … wherever He leads, be prepared to go.

Whatever God is calling us to do, may our reply be “Yes, Lord!”

How to be involved:

  • Pray

Use the “31 Days of Prayer” guide to be intentional about
praying daily for missionaries and mission causes.
If you need one, check the mission table in the main foyer.

  • Give

Our on-going Faith Commitment Offering (FCO) mission budget
goes to help spread the gospel from Barry County
to the ends of the Earth. The offering represents souls who
need to hear the gospel and missionaries who are sharing
the gospel all over the world.

  • Be Involved

Stay tuned for opportunities to be involved. But, more
importantly, as we go throughout our days, ask God to make us
keenly aware of the people we meet who need to hear the Gospel.

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