Music Ministry
“I tell you, if they were to keep silent, the stones would cry out.” Luke 19:40. We are not going to let the rocks take our place in worshiping God. We have been created to worship HIM. “Let the word of Christ dwell richly among you, in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another through psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.” Colossians 3:16. We use different styles of music to worship God. We practice Multi-Gen worship with all generations leading and worshiping together.
Want to Get Involved?
Worship Choir: The Worship Choir helps lead worship every Sunday morning in both services. Anyone from 7th grade through senior adult are welcome to join. There is no tryout involved. The choir works on many different anthems, as well as new worship songs to introduce. Throughout the school year the Worship Choir joins with the Children’s Choirs to lead our Multi-Gen worship services as well as our Multi-Gen Christmas worship. We rehearse on Wednesday nights at 6:30 – 7:30pm in the Worship Center. Email Zack for any questions you might have.
Praise Band: The Praise Band helps lead worship every Sunday morning in both services. We rehearse on Sunday mornings at 8:00am in the Worship Center. Our Praise Band members love honoring God through using the talents that He gave them to worship and lead worship. If you play an instrument and want to join us, contact Zack to setup an interview and tryout appointment.
Children’s Choirs: Children’s Choirs are for kids from 5 years old through 6th grade. Rehearsal are Wednesday nights during the school year from 5:15 – 6:30pm. They learn songs and help lead worship in our Multi-Gen worship services. They also are a large part of our annual Multi-Gen Christmas worship each December. The younger Children’s Choir meets in room 330 and the older Children’s Choir meets in room 327. Email Zack for any questions you might have.